Sunday, October 19, 2014

My dogs Otis and Cozette

Image Courtesy of my mother and her camera 
Yes I know what your thinking... not another "dog blog" and yup here's another dog blog, only it's my dogs.... So it all started with my dead dog Tootsie, she was getting old and she needed a playmate for company when we were gone.  So we got Otis (which is the tan one) and Otis, like any puppy,  was squirrely  and over excited ALL  THE   TIME and he wasn't just a regular squirrely puppy... he was a spaz and he could also jump three feet vertically in the air (he was about a year and a half when we got him).  In other words he was a great exercise for Tootsie.  Then one weekend we found her lying on the floor covered in her own pee unable to move and the rest of my family rushed to the hospital while I stayed home because I was in denial.  My dad called me and came an picked me up and while we were on our way there... she passed from a heart tumor.  It was one of the most horrific days of my life.

Then we were stuck with Otis and it was hell, so I told my family "he NEEDS a playmate!" and they said no, again, and again, and again. Until I finally exercised the subject enough so that the thought of Tootsie dying was mended.  Then they finally said OK. Then Cozette came... She, unlike Otis, was about 9 weeks when we got her. I'm talkin small-enough-to-fit in-her-own-food-bowl small.  Then we introduced her to Otis and Otis FREAKED OUT, he was jumping all around her with his paws stretched out in front but he wasn't willing to touch her.  Then he knocked her over, my entire family yelled, his eyes went all huge, he was cowering down... If he was human he probably would have yelled OH SHEIT!
Then over the next few months they warmed up to each other, but that wasn't the  problem... the problem was within Cozette... I'm not joking, she got really fat because she ate so much.  She ate so much that when there wasn't food she would settle for anything that was on the dining room table. Im talking about crayons, pencils, homework, pens, chair legs, candles, napkins, wires and SHOES she loves to go in moms closet and take her shoes bring them under the table and gnaw on them, she will also eat the fluff from the inside of doggy chew toys, three musketeers, also we have this coffee table and its got about 200 small glass marbles (like the size of really small grapes)  and she will prance over there and take one at a time and then just swallow them whole.  We're not quite sure what's in her stomach but when it gets pumped i'm sure the vets eyes will boggle.  Well, we've had these dogs for a while and we're planning on keeping them.  No matter how much they eat and how annoying they get, they will always be our puppies.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

ME + food = no food

image courtesy of  Wikipedia 
I LOVE food, i'm not joking here, I would never eat until I hit puberty and then one day I are an entire Maxwells pizza... by myself... Usually I have a bowl of cereal for breakfast then for lunch I eat like no ones business.  You know those café rio burritos? An average joe can eat 3/4 of one, I usually eat three, sometimes four... I believe what makes food good are defined by two categories.  firs being how the food tastes  and on a scale from 1 to ten what I rate it.  The second category being how filling it is, for example the café rio quesadillas are a seven because they are really filling and they are not super delicious but not terrible, so average which makes them a seven.  Its funny because usually my parents just assume i'm hungry and its mostly true.  They will sometimes say "Hey Carson are you hungry?'' and I say "nooooooo, because i'm NEVER HUNGRY" Implying that i'm always hungry because I am and its true that I always will be.

I have discovered one conclusive and that fact is the fact that your tastebuds change, meaning one day you wont like olives and maybe the next month you will not necessary only olives but you get the point.  I discovered this was the case one day when I was in malta.  I HATED stinky cheese and any olives, but one day when I was in Malta I ate some olives and stinky cheese and let me tell you what I thought they were along the lines of "holy shit" and "thats delicious".     Im also open to the fact that people should eat new food that they have never discovered before.  For example last night I ate what is called sweet bred and it is cattle intestines washed out and sautéed. For intestines, they weren't bad.  .  Some people would say that food is necessary but good food is a luxury.  They would also say that every generation has its own way to categorize food.  Anyway back to me and how much I eat.  I've heard people say its not normal and i've heard people say that theres a monster inside my stomach and thats why I eat so much. Then I usually reply with "ok" and keep eating.  Not just mainly focused on eating one type of food but more or less a wide variety of food.  Most of the time I dont even know what i'm eating I just eat it, like this one time I ate cow brains and I had no idea and my father was like "dude, you know your eating cow brains right? and I replied with "eh, its alright"    Also one of the things that bugs me most is picky eaters.  I mean who gives a SHIT if they don't have mac and cheese?! Really?! I mean come on! Try something else for once! Anyway, long story short I will eat any food as long as it tastes good and its edible.

MY experience with S.C.U.B.A. diving

Image courtesy of  wikipedia 
OK, well here we are again writing about one of my life's defining moments, the first time I went SCUBA diving.  Alright, so here we are 13 year old me begging my mom and dad to get my SCUBA license and they said "well, there is a place to get it in Salt Lake... but its quite expensive"  and  stupid me replied with (and remember these words) what if I don't get ANYTHING for my birthday? And yes, I know what your thinking, your thinking wow, how greedy. Let me tell you.... Yeah I am greedy....  Anyway the whole SCUBA license never happened AND I never got anything for my birthday.  Then.... over the summer we went to Australia. Yeah... we kinda drove about a million kilometers and pet kangaroos.  However, that wasn't the defining moment of my trip.  Fun fact about me! I love underwater stuff, in fact I love anything that involves the idea of life underwater.  So here we are in Australia and we go on a fairy to the great barrier reef.  Now, theres this program where you can go to the GBR (great barrier reef) and SCUBA dive.  So we went to the lady who ran the ferry and I was like "PLEASE PLEASE" and I acted like I was gonna cry and the lady at the last second was like "alright let me see what I can do".  FLASH FORWARD (were on the ship now).  So here I am trying to understand the asian instructor who knows next to no english and the english she does know she says it in a thick Australian accent.  So I figure ok, we just put on the gear right? Right? of course its way more complicated then I thought.  Somehow I miraculously put it all on  and we jump in the water. anyway I finally give the thumbs up to my instructor and jump in the cold water with all my scuba gear on, well more or less clumsily slide...  Since its an introductory dive it takes about a half hour to learn all the hand signals.  Oh and by the way my sister is with me the entire time. Back to the story...   and the water is absolutely freezing.  So half of me is saying get the f*** outta here! and the other half is saying this is gonna be so much fun.  So I decide to stay in and then we finally go underwater.  There are no words to describe what I was feeling that moment but the closest you can come to is excited and happy.  I will attempt (and miserably fail) to describe to you what I was seeing, ok here we go, first of all there were sea cucumbers the with of a basketball and about  four feet long and all different shapes and sizes.   There were hundreds and hundreds of exotic underwater animals and a wide variety of colors.  It felt like god took a pee of life and this was the result.  It was absolutely spectacular.   When the Asian lady said to go back up to the surface I was beyond disappointed, I wanted to stay in that underwater aquatic world,  then we went back to the island and then I went to sleep.  And Ive never slept harder then I did that night.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Video game Review

In this blog I am doing a video game review, well, not really a review but more a a video game rating.  I will list five of my favorite first person shooters, rate each one, and then tell you why I rated it that number.  Should be fun right? WRONG!  Not fun, just.... boring.

 First game: Call of Duty: Ghosts.  This fist in the face game is immediately throwing you the "future" type of FPS, the first level starts you pout in space and you end up rescuing the world. Now thats about as far as the campaign goes but now for the multiplayer.  The multiplayer is different from most call of duty games, instead of all the weapons killing you the second you get hit, it is more like an actual gun fight.  "This game really pulls the strategist in you" says IGN.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia 

 Number 2!!!  My second favorite game is: da da da da *trumpet noises* titan fall,  now when most players say that this game consists of just "noobs" and "six year olds"  I beg to differ, this game was designed for next generation consoles and  experienced players.  The campaign is a whole new world of story, it throws you actual players who are playing on other consoles and their piloting
 GIANT ROBOTS!!!! G I A N T   R O B O T S!!!!!     Anyway.....   the multiplayer is basically the same as the campaign which makes the game suck.  However, why  this game is my number two is because of two reasons.  In the gaming world there are many types of games, but the main types of games are parkour games and first person shooters.  Why this game ranks so high on my list? Because parkour and first person shooters had a baby: titan-fall.  This games allows you to jump from wall to wall and blast peoples heads off while your piloting giant robots!

Image courtesy of wikipedia 

NEXT GAME!!! NUMBER 3!!!!!  Probably one of the most terrifying games of all time, Dead Space 2.  This game is most different from other because it does not have a multiplayer, it solely relies on campaign and so far, its kicking ass.  The most defining thing about dead space is that the enemies are random, meaning if you die the next time the enemies will pop out from different spots, physically scaring the shit out of you. Why do I say dead space 2? Because the first on is not really scary is more just action and the third on had a co-op system where you can play with a partner, but noooooo, in the second your in an abandoned s[pace ship after all the monsters killed your friends.  So yes, the game isolates you and then brutally kills you.

Image courtesy of Amazon 

Number 4!!!   Halo 3! Even said to be an old franchise or game it is one of my favorites, because of two things. The campaign makes sense and is interesting and because no multiplayer match is ever the same.  Sometimes when I play a game I just play it to be able to say I beat it, and the story is long... and dragging... and it sucks.  However in Halo 3  the story always stays interesting no matter how many times you play through it.
Image courtesy of wikipedia 

FINALL GAME!!!! Grand theft auto V!! I know I am going to get shit from all of you that this isn't a First Person Shooter and yes, I know its not.  But what the hell?  you can do whatever the f*** you want to do!!! U wanna fly a military jet and shoot naked old men? YOU CAN DO THAT! You wanna drive a lambo into a ferris wheel? YOU CAN DO THAT! You wanna sit at home and smoke weed? YOU     CAN    DO    THAT   !!!!!!!   This is one of my go to games whenever I am bored as hell and don't know what to do.

Image courtesy of wikipedia 
Anyway I hope you respond to my blog!!