Sunday, October 19, 2014

My dogs Otis and Cozette

Image Courtesy of my mother and her camera 
Yes I know what your thinking... not another "dog blog" and yup here's another dog blog, only it's my dogs.... So it all started with my dead dog Tootsie, she was getting old and she needed a playmate for company when we were gone.  So we got Otis (which is the tan one) and Otis, like any puppy,  was squirrely  and over excited ALL  THE   TIME and he wasn't just a regular squirrely puppy... he was a spaz and he could also jump three feet vertically in the air (he was about a year and a half when we got him).  In other words he was a great exercise for Tootsie.  Then one weekend we found her lying on the floor covered in her own pee unable to move and the rest of my family rushed to the hospital while I stayed home because I was in denial.  My dad called me and came an picked me up and while we were on our way there... she passed from a heart tumor.  It was one of the most horrific days of my life.

Then we were stuck with Otis and it was hell, so I told my family "he NEEDS a playmate!" and they said no, again, and again, and again. Until I finally exercised the subject enough so that the thought of Tootsie dying was mended.  Then they finally said OK. Then Cozette came... She, unlike Otis, was about 9 weeks when we got her. I'm talkin small-enough-to-fit in-her-own-food-bowl small.  Then we introduced her to Otis and Otis FREAKED OUT, he was jumping all around her with his paws stretched out in front but he wasn't willing to touch her.  Then he knocked her over, my entire family yelled, his eyes went all huge, he was cowering down... If he was human he probably would have yelled OH SHEIT!
Then over the next few months they warmed up to each other, but that wasn't the  problem... the problem was within Cozette... I'm not joking, she got really fat because she ate so much.  She ate so much that when there wasn't food she would settle for anything that was on the dining room table. Im talking about crayons, pencils, homework, pens, chair legs, candles, napkins, wires and SHOES she loves to go in moms closet and take her shoes bring them under the table and gnaw on them, she will also eat the fluff from the inside of doggy chew toys, three musketeers, also we have this coffee table and its got about 200 small glass marbles (like the size of really small grapes)  and she will prance over there and take one at a time and then just swallow them whole.  We're not quite sure what's in her stomach but when it gets pumped i'm sure the vets eyes will boggle.  Well, we've had these dogs for a while and we're planning on keeping them.  No matter how much they eat and how annoying they get, they will always be our puppies.

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